Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pocoyó with subtitles in English & Spanish

Browsing through my Facebook statuses, I saw a post by Transparent Spanish with a link to a Pocoyó episode with subtitles in English and Spanish.

Personally, I think I would rather have it with just Spanish subtitles or no subtitles, but for beginners, I think these videos would be helpful. After watching them a few times, you then could search for the episodes without any subtitles and see how much you understand.

Where to go:
YouTube channel with subtitled Pocoyó episodes
Transparent Spanish Facebook Page
Official Pocoyó Page

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

World Cup 2010/Copa Mundial de 2010

Doing a little tweeting this morning and just posted some helpful World Cup/soccer/football links I wanted to share with you:

To watch the game live in Spanish visit Univision’s World Cup page:  http://futbol.univision.com/fifacopamundial/partidos-en-vivo

But maybe before you start watching, you might want to look imageover this vocabulary list first: http://www.transparent.com/spanish/soccer-vocabulary-en-espanol/

You’ll find more vocabulary on the SSL4YOU Podcast – Español Segunda Lengua para Todos:
Locos por el fútbol  http://ssl4you.blogspot.com/

And to learn about the origins of fútbol read this article from MUY Interesante: http://www.muyinteresante.es/icual-es-el-origen-del-futbol?

Another interesting article:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Free Spanish homeschool/classroom lesson plans

Today the folks at the Foreign Language House posted a great resource on their Facebook page. Whistlefritz, which produces immersion-based, award-winning CDs and DVDs now have made lesson plans available for free on their website:image

Whistlefritz® DVDs teach Spanish using a multi-sensory approach: children hear, see, speak, and move to, Spanish. As every parent and teacher knows, repetition is the key to learning a language. Our new Lesson Plans pick up where the DVDs leave off. The Lessons give children more opportunities to practice the words they are learning in our Spanish DVD programs.

Where to go:
Whistlefritz - homeschool lesson plans
Whistlefritz - About Us
Foreign Language House Facebook Page