Saturday, January 21, 2012

Revista: Educación 3.0

As I was browsing the website Issuu, I ran across this downloadable magazine, Educación 3.0. From the magazine description:Número 5 revista Educación 3.0 (versión digital reducida)

Educación 3.0 es la revista del aula del siglo XXI. Nuestro objetivo es facilitar la compleja integración entre las nuevas tecnologías y la educación. Para que el aula digital sea una realidad, contribuimos ofreciendo todo tipo de contenidos (información, nuevos dispositivos, novedades editoriales, recursos educativos, materiales, plataformas, software, juegos...) que resulten útiles a los integrantes de la comunidad educativa española…

Keep in mind it’s an abbreviated version. For instance the latest issue is 18 pages while the hard copy has over 50 pages. Still, you’re able to read a few articles. Also, you can load this on your ebook reader which is quite handy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free Bilingual Books from Read Conmigo

Just saw this on Facebook from the ladies at Spanglish Baby. Sign up for Club Read to receive a free bilingual book monthly. For ebook versions and summaries of some of the past titles visit this page. (The program is sponsored by Infinity Insurance.)

There’s even a great deal for educators. Go visit Spanglish Baby to find out more!

read conmigo free bilingual books

Sunday, January 15, 2012

El placer de aprender idiomas

¿Qué opinan? ¿Están de acuerdo con Sr. Kaufmann? ¿Es corregir a alguien sin permiso una falta de cortesía? Es cierto que me da miedo a veces escribir o hablar en español porque no quiero cometer los errores pero ¿cómo aprendo si no utilizo el idioma?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kids Do Ecology in Spanish

On Kids Do Ecology you’ll find information about biomes (aquatic & land), marine mammals, endangered animals, the scientific method and much more. I think this would be a good source for a unit study.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Just saw this on Twitter this morning. Basically with Duolingo you help translate the web while you simultaneously learn a language for free. It’s in private beta so you have to sign up for an invitation. Of course I signed up. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Update: Salsa – Spanish Language Program for Children

Back in June 2008 I wrote a post about Salsa, an elementary Spanish language and cultural series from Georgia Public Broadcasting. During the last few years I remember checking the link at various times and noticed that either the videos weren’t available or they were only viewable on a small screen.

Just today I saw on the Freely Educate blog that there was a post about the program, so I had to take another look. I’m happy to report that the videos (42 episodes) are of a much better quality with transcripts (English & Spanish) and activity ideas (on each episode page). Also, there are now games for your children/students to play to reinforce what they have learned.

Additional support materials can be found on the Wyoming Department of Education website.  As mentioned in the blog, the videos are geared towards kindergarten through 2nd grade.
