Monday, February 9, 2009

Added some new blogs

I’m not sure if you have noticed my blog list (lower left-hand side), but just in case, I thought I would point out some new ones that I have just added in the last week or so.
More Spanish – Lesson plans & technology for the Spanish classroom is written by Sherry Amorocho, a high school Spanish teacher. It’s fairly new, but looks very promising.
Spanglish Baby – Two Latina moms talking about raising their children bilingual.
¡Vámonos! is written by Lisa Stevens, a primary language teacher in the UK who is also quite a techie.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

Thanks for adding us to your blogroll , for the link on this post and for the other great links I've discovered thanks to you!!

rdmami said...

Karen, thank you so much for sharing our blog with your readers and for your support and advice. Being a part of your network has provided me with a bunch of new resources on how to teach my girls Spanish.

Karen said...

@Ana and rdmami - you're very welcome!

Tati said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful blogs! I love getting new ideas!

Amor8 said...

Thanks for the shout out Karen! Loving all your links on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

I run a Spanish movies site. Its a blog but I'm using it more as a normal site. I just started it as I wanted to watch more Spanish movies to help my learning and expand my horizons a bit. What better way than to set up a site on it!

Its still being built up as I do research and watch more films but I hope to make it huge some day. :)