For my preschool class, we mainly talk about the food:
la manzana - apple
la pera - pear
la ciruela - plum
la fresa - strawberry
la naranja - orange
la sandía - watermelon
el pastel - cake
el barquillo de helado - ice cream cone
el queso - cheese
la paleta - lollipop
Using my dry erase/magnet board and pictures printed on magnet paper, I first show them the food listed above. Then we talk about the useful phrase tener hambre (to be hungry). We also talk about which foods are healthy and not healthy (saludable, no es saludable). After they have a good grasp on the new words, I then read the book using the kit pictured (item # LA988) from Lakeshore Learning.
For the cocoon (el capullo), I roll up a piece of brown construction paper large enough for the puppet to fit inside. While it's inside, I make it so the butterfly comes out, but not the caterpillar (the butterfly is attached inside the puppet) - only comes out at one end. Every time I do this I get ooos and ahhhs. *grin* Then they would always ask me how I did it and to please read the book again.
For more ideas about using Eric Carle's books in class or at home, visit the Caterpillar Exchange Bulletin Board on his official web site.
Here's an earlier post about another Eric Carle book.
Oh Karen, I wish you would have post this sooner! I LOVE IT!
I just did a unit on "bugs" and I wanted to include la oruga, but I wasn't sure how. I'll do it next time!
BTW - I love my magnet board, I could not do with out it :)
Thanks for the great idea.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of my all-time favorite units for Pre-K to Grade 2 French. Well, to tell the truth, I've even used it with my middle schoolers! I was so excited when I saw this was the topic of your post. And I like the kit, too. All of my materials are homemade, and some are getting quite worn. I wrote an article about using this Eric Carle book for foreign language learning: http://languagestudy.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_very_hungry_caterpillar
On an unrelated note, I enjoyed your post from a couple of days ago reminiscing about your time in Spain. I had the same lovely culinary experience years ago, but with French food. LOVE the photo! Wish I were there, too.
I'm really enjoying your blog. We seem to have much in common :-)
Hi Maribel,
I'm glad you liked the post. :) Have you tried the printable magnet paper?
Hi Diane,
Thank you so much for your kind words. I think the Eric Carle books are wonderful for teaching a foreign language.
I have an enlarged print of that particular photo. Sometimes I find myself staring at it reminiscing. *sigh*
magnet paper????
never heard of it.
It's paper that you can feed through your inkjet printer - magnetic on one side. Here's a link:
I've used it quite a bit with my class.
This is so cute! They used it at a local Spanish storytime at the library.
I just read another Eric Carle book at our bilingual storytime yesterday - 10 Little Rubber Ducks in Spanish. It was so cute. I added it to my store :)
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